A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Happy Hell snack, slopped up for curious creatures.

A rough little demo for you to poke at and maybe have some fun with. Check out the Dev Log linked below for updates, bugs and other notes.

<3 Polygonzo

Updated 11 days ago
Published 16 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Tags3D Platformer, Experimental, Exploration, Spooky


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Happy Hell - Moony Mess (Windows 1.2).zip 125 MB
Happy Hell - Moony Mess (Mac).zip 140 MB
Happy Hell - Moony Mess (Linux).zip 172 MB

Development log


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I think this game has alot of potential, but the layout of the hub is hard to navigate, and the lighting doesn't do help visual cohesion. I think the character is just a tad stiff, and while running helps, I don't entirely see the point in having it wear off after a while. I think with all the collectibles being so far spread out, death shouldn't make you lose all your progress in the way that it does. I understand it's a prototype so I'm willing to be lenient but I feel like I didn't have as much fun as I wanted to. That being said, I will be following progress and looking forward to more you cook up in the future.

(3 edits)

thanks for playing! some good feedback. I've been on the fence about how those collectibles work myself, it may be too punishing for no great reason, yeah. infinite dashing...will consider but...there's (the temptation of) a black magick power-up that resolves this and then some so maybe not. re: navigation/visual cohesion, time will tell if this is a matter of being prototypey or perhaps personal taste. I am interested in being a little more obtuse about level design/exploration than most platformers so the rewards/sense of satisfaction might be less conventional... these are things I'm thinking about anyway. cheers!

Hi, I have a problem with the Xbox gamepad controls. Analogue control doesn’t always work immediately when you move, and when Spoopy does move, it stops after a couple of seconds. There is some strange lag here. The funny thing is that it doesn’t happen when you move it on the crossbar.

(1 edit)

dang that sucks, thanks for letting me know. hm...if you have time to respond:

  1. Is menu selection using the left control stick laggy as well?
  2. Is the right stick (camera) movement laggy?
  3. What are the VSync, FPS and resolution settings?
  4. What operating system are you on?
  5. Any chance Steam was running in the background?
  6. Does deleting the save file/relaunching the application have any effect?


  1. The menu works normally with the left stick.
  2. Camera works well (a little sensitive).
  3. Resolution: 1920x1080 120Hz. Quality is high, FPS unlocked, Vsync enabled.
  4. Steam was turned off.
  5. Deleting the file and restarting the game does not help.
(1 edit)

Thanks for the info. I might try something in a new build at some point but...I'm stumped, and you're the only person that's informed me of this issue so far :/

(btw, you can adjust camera sensitivity with the slider in 'Controls' sorry it's not labelled and the incrementation is annoyingly finite, gotta fix that)

very nice!! maybe bacuse i don't play 3d platformers much, but i'm getting lost a little. idk how to get to the other end of the red carpet or collect all the stars in time

thanks for playing! ah, the layout is a little obtuse >:p there's that path of long, higher platforms that wraps around to the other side of the carpet. the easiest way to get up there is probably a) by way of the floating poles (hop on, jump from pole to pole) or b) using the clouds at the lowest ground level for a super jump up. that'll probably help you figure out the star challenge which is a matter of plotting out the best path from star to star once you know where they all are - I was thinking about making a video about this so if it's still giving you trouble let me know and I can do that soon :)

Make the executables actually .exe files so they can run plz. Thanks.

(1 edit)

My bad. I accidentally overwrote the Windows build with a Linux one, thanks for the heads up!